There is this Spirit we all know. You know it when you see it. And just like heaven, it always takes you by surprise. That’s because it will not be contained in any one place or by any one person or by understanding itself. It is free, and it is traveling around, in and out of spaces, and weaving itself through and around things. Then it appears, like a bird landing on a rail in front of you, out of nowhere and for no good reason except just to make itself known to you again.
You can feel its inspiring power while reading a really good book or listening to a perfectly composed song. It is an attitude among a group of people who have gotten together around a good cause or something they all admire with the same fervor. They all know they are experiencing it, but no one needs to say “this is God” because they are too busy taking part in the thing and feeling the joy of it.
You see God who is Spirit cannot and will not be defined or controlled. It will just continue to move in and out of things and manifest itself in all manner of circumstances and people. Just when you think you know where God comes from or which people are close to God, he appears in another place you did not expect him to be.
There are so many different faces of this God you would do well to just keep your eyes and heart open to where you might find it next. It could be in your work or on your TV or in the person you despise the most.
Keep watching. The Spirit keeps moving. It is the thing powering the evolution of everything toward some end – the culmination of which is to bring about more of itself: grace and compassion and all things working together to bring about beauty. You can be part of that. It is in you and all around you in different places and different faces if you are willing to look.