We must believe in the good in people. I’m not saying that everything everyone does is okay. In fact, people do terrible, terrible things at others’ expense – things deserving of punishment. I am saying, however, that I believe that every being is capable of being redeemed. If you do not believe that, then where is your hope and what is your hope in?
I have yet to meet a person that did not start out desiring to be loved. Many of the things we do to hurt others come about because others have hurt us. Show me someone who does evil to others and I’ll show you someone who has been deeply wounded. It is not a stretch to call these things sin, but sin is a human problem – as in all of us humans are responsible, not just certain individuals who appear more evil than others.
If I am able to be redeemed, then so is a murderer, and if he then me. The same hope I have for myself is the hope I have for him. Do you have hope for yourself? Do you have hope for him? If so, then our work is to be redeemed ourselves and to get busy helping others find that redemption we have found. Everyone you see is a candidate, no matter how difficult or broken.