Florist – Shadow Bloom

So the rain comes back now After I asked it to You could not come back now Even if I asked you to

So light comes from a time already gone If I could see the future I would lay down Eat a tangerine and make a cup of tea Watch it all happen the same way Watch it all happen slowly

I could have the reasons why But it wouldn’t make anything right Do you really want to know the thing You spend your life trying to find

Go back to what you love the most There’s dark inside the stars, that’s where I go And the spirit realm that calls me in Whisper water from the shadow bloom I don’t have the reasons why But it wouldn’t make anything right Do you even want to know the thing You spend your life trying to find Secrets from the last time you felt alright Loneliness is only the last flower to be picked

It’s the dark part of me now The part that knows what can be felt It’s what our eyes see when we dream Beautiful things where the light comes from

Oh, what a special time I can’t believe it happened at all The spirit days to make hell of Your words inside my head Oh, today is the only day

How to feel all the earthy things

Your Many Deaths

If you do it right, you will suffer many deaths in your lifetime. And if you do it right, each one will bring you closer to your real self. Believe it or not, everything that is happening in your life is working to bring about these little deaths, which will peel back the layers of your false self and allow the truest form of your being to emerge. Really your “false self” is just all the forms of you that existed before this and which must be shed, like a snake repeatedly sloughing off its ...  Keep reading

God Is Outside Church

Do not be mistaken: God is not contained within the church – inside its walls or any of the structures the church has put forth to try and capture God’s essence. God may be there at the church building if you carry God there with you inside yourself. Or God may be noticeably (or not so noticeably) absent. God comes and goes as God pleases, so there are many places you might find God.

God is also not contained by any words written about God, or that will or could be written ...  Keep reading

God Absorbs Darkness And Tragedy

Part of the problem with this transactional view of the gospel – that Jesus just came to offer forgiveness of sins and get you into heaven where everything is perfect – is that it doesn’t help us deal with the darkness we are still presently in. You get forgiven and punch your ticket, but you still do and think bad stuff and the world is still full of brokenness and tragedy.

This transactional gospel focuses on sin and sin management. It’s like this: God can’t put up with sin ...  Keep reading

I Am Deeply Christian And Don’t Call Me That

Every once in a while, I am employed to help someone “deconstruct their faith.” I consider it a high honor since it helps me fulfill one of my life commitments – to “undo things.” It is #3 on my list I like to call “My Life Plan.”  The text in My Life Plan reads this way: “Undo things – like Jesus, defy expectations and convention.” This is also one of the reasons I find myself floating away from what we call Christianity, but then also finding profound truth in ...  Keep reading

The Decentralization of Everything

One more thing this pandemic and the resultant changes in our lives have achieved is to help us loosen our grip on many things we have held tightly. Many are shaken at the fragility of our existence and how quickly our lives can change. Many of our modern conveniences have been taken from us or have been significantly restricted. We cannot gather together or freely walk into a store. We are being forced to practice surrender in that we cannot just compulsively attain comfort and convenience – ...  Keep reading

The Unavoidable Dichotomy Of Life And Death

We must accept life as it is – with the good and the bad.  Think about it – just embracing life itself means you are also embracing the fact that you will some day lose your life. Life is I guess about an even split between great pleasure and gut-wrenching loss. You win some and you lose some. I know, I know – you did not choose to be subject to this dichotomy – you were thrust into this life. “Get busy living or get busy dying.” Maybe you are doing both.

I’ve lived ...  Keep reading

The Dreaded Black-Or-White Thinking Turned On Ourselves

We need to get past our black-or-white thinking. We all learn some version of right and wrong when we are growing up. The problem is many of us get stuck there and never move beyond this type of thinking. I’m not saying there aren’t right and wrong. It’s important to be able to do some critical thinking about things – even ourselves at times, but if you just land on a set of strict rules and apply it in any and every situation, you’re missing the point. First of all, you will consistently ...  Keep reading