Working The Words

The words contained here are nothing. They are merely a static representation of the way the writer interfaced with the world at a given point in time and attempted to relate that back to the reader. The words on the page are a crystallized take on reality at one specific moment in time, but not the end. That’s the beauty of dialogue. You work and re-work the words until you have said what you needed to say and it has been heard the way you mean it to be heard. You get as many chances as you ...  Keep reading

It Takes A Long Time To Change

What you are experiencing today is just the aggregate of all the days and experiences you have had up until this moment. Your body is a recorder for every experience, no matter how minute, so nothing is lost. You might think you can avoid, neutralize, or forget the ones you are not sure what to do with, but you have assimilated all of them in some way. You are just a container for all the things that have happened and how you have metabolized them. This might make you feel helpless, but nothing ...  Keep reading

Developmental Nodes

These things that you feel like are killing you are just here to usher in the next phase of your life. Yes, it will feel like you are going to die or something you hold very dearly is going to slip through your grasp (or both), but those things to which you cling and believe essential to who you are were meant to be released.

You have already reinvented yourself many times before. That is what life is here to do – wrest from your grasp the things that are not yours, and are not who you are – ...  Keep reading

Lean into Darkness

And just when you feel like you have reached the blackest, sickest darkness, that is the time to lean in even further. When God feels out of reach, your only move is to become still, keep your ear to the ground and wait. The waiting itself will change you. And the answers are somewhere there in the dark and stillness.

The caterpillar submits to a kind of death and forms itself into a chrysalis by instinct. If it had consciousness, it might know it was going to emerge light enough to fly. If it ...  Keep reading

Jesus, Non-Dual Teacher

When we are so caught up handling sin, peddling forgiveness, and getting people into heaven, we forget that Jesus was also a great non-dual teacher. His teaching was revelatory, revolutionary and bewildering. Sometimes we think his teaching was merely a secondary part of his life, like “while I’m here to save everybody from their sins, I might as well say some stuff.” I don’t think we have to determine if one was more important than the other. What Jesus was teaching was very much in line ...  Keep reading

Non-Violence Is Superhuman

I think what I want to communicate with pointing out that grace is everywhere is that what God is doing in the world here and now is just as important as yours and everybody else’s “salvation transaction.” If “getting people saved” is the only thing that is necessary, we can have this attitude of all but giving up on this world because it’s so crazy and tragic. The thinking is, “make sure you are going to heaven and try to bring as ...  Keep reading

The Practice of Silent Contemplation

We must practice this inner contemplative work to connect more deeply with our reality. Especially now, there is a strong tendency for us to focus on and get involved with things external to us: policy, politics, the current crises, and the others around us – some friend, some foe. If we are to engage with others and our environment in an effective way, however, we must work toward becoming non-violent, peaceful and powerful within ourselves, ...  Keep reading

Do Your Inner Work

If we are going to be effective in these times of cultural and societal upheaval, we must do our inner work. I am not really interested in hearing what you or I have to say about any issue external to us if we have not done work resolving conflicts within ourselves. And I’m not just talking about being able to hash through an issue logically and decide what you believe about it. I’m talking about being able to hold tension and complexity within yourself and realize you don’t have all the ...  Keep reading