Never Fear

Notice what God doesn’t say. He doesn’t say, “there is nothing to be afraid of.” Rather, he says “Do not be afraid.” It seems implied that there are things which will cause us fear. Jesus even asserts that, “In this world, you will have trouble.” But then he also says, “Take heart! I have overcome the world.”

In our frailty, we perceive threat everywhere – insecurity about money, the future, what others think. And this is to say nothing of the real threats which exist – abuse, famine, murder, etc. There is reason to fear.

You can be thankful for the fear, though, in the same way that you can be thankful for your sin. It is your sin which will lead you to grace. And it is fear which will ultimately lead you to the Source of security and peace, if you allow it to do so.

If you have fear, it tells you something about yourself. It indicates that you are separated from the Presence. If you were fully in God and He fully in you, you would not be afraid. The fear tells you that you have been removed from the place where you are supposed to live – in complete community.

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