Even in our affluent nation, we live from a psychology of scarcity. There is never enough time or money, or whatever we have set our hearts on as that which will fulfill us. Funny, I don’t think nations with much less have this problem. Do we have what we need for today?
The Lord is not only speaking to you. He is speaking to those around you. It would be a good idea to listen well.
One of the more profound things I have read:
Relationships II
The disorder must be beautiful. It is what makes our world unpredictable and free. We are free to make decisions, travel on seemingly random trajectories, create “abstractly,” and the direction of the universe does not seem to be fixed. Instead, it appears to us defined by our decisions, thoughtful and otherwise. It is loose and forgiving enough to accept our missteps and meandering. This is grace – that we can choose and determine outcome after outcome. And the whole is greater ...
Relationships I
The thing about relationships is that they are ever-changing. They seem to be stable or stuck, but they are actually a series of forces which are ever-moving, not unlike the forces that act on the tectonic plates, of which our earth is made up. These forces push and pull and make up what we see on an everyday basis, but they are nearly imperceptible. Sometimes they erupt, and we witness catastrophe or great beauty. More often, however, they exert their subtle effect on the world around us and, ...
Dying to ourselves means letting God take up the fight for us.
Satisfaction in this life is not and probably should not be attained “for good.” You are most definitely on your way somewhere. The goal, rather, is momentary satisfaction with the process.
I think God is more in the business of redeeming than transforming. He does not change us as much as he takes what is and works with it. I guess we better get busy accepting ourselves as we are.