Getting Stuck

There is this diagnostic category in the DSM (the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual: the tool by which mental health professionals diagnose) which contains the personality disorders. What defines personality disorders is that the people who have them have basically organized themselves toward the world in a certain way. They interact with many different people in many different situations in a “maladaptive” way. You could say their personalities have “crystallized” in this ...  Keep reading

Growing Up

It is interesting that we spend our children’s lives wishing health and happiness for them. Raising children is basically trying to teach them what to avoid and hoping they don’t mess up when they are a teenager or adult. Then we loose them on the world, watching to see if they will “succeed” or not.

We forget that the way all of us have learned our greatest lessons has been through our failures. I’m not saying we shouldn’t teach our children the way to go, but ...  Keep reading

The Good in Each Other

We must believe in the good in people. I’m not saying that everything everyone does is okay. In fact, people do terrible, terrible things at others’ expense – things deserving of punishment. I am saying, however, that I believe that every being is capable of being redeemed. If you do not believe that, then where is your hope and what is your hope in?

I have yet to meet a person that did not start out desiring to be loved. Many of the things we do to hurt others come about because ...  Keep reading

Back to the Beginning – The Presence

The Presence is available to you all the time – to come in and quiet your fears. The problem is we are convinced that we have to do something special – be somewhere special, say something special, “do the right thing” – in order to get it. The thing about the Gift is that it is just that – a Gift. This is also the beauty of the Gospel: as soon as you want it, you can have it. It might take some practicing of the Presence, but what is more important and life-giving ...  Keep reading

Never Fear

Notice what God doesn’t say. He doesn’t say, “there is nothing to be afraid of.” Rather, he says “Do not be afraid.” It seems implied that there are things which will cause us fear. Jesus even asserts that, “In this world, you will have trouble.” But then he also says, “Take heart! I have overcome the world.”

In our frailty, we perceive threat everywhere – insecurity about money, the future, what others think. And this is to say ...  Keep reading


What is called human attachment is really a profound idea. It’s the idea that from day one, we are all seeking connection with others, specifically “higher minds” in order to organize ourselves, feel sure of ourselves and secure.

If you think about it, nearly everything could be seen as attachment behavior. Everything is an attempt to secure our place, know we are safe, feel valued. I just remember thinking as a kid: “If someone could just notice me enough, then I would ...  Keep reading

I Am Too Serious

I think when we are always busy trying to be “contemplative” and get to a deeper level of prayer, we miss something. I think one of the truest forms of prayer is my daughter running through the grass at full speed, saying, “Look at me, Daddy!” She marvels at what her legs can do and is truly abandoned to the moment and the speed at which she carries her little body.

We can do a lot for our hearts by just being what we are. There is a gamut of emotions that I feel like I ...  Keep reading