It is important that we believe in people. I mean, we should not put our trust solely in people, but people benefit from our faith in them. We also benefit when we trust others. It is far too easy to get cynical. When people wrong you, or just appear different than you, it is easy to write them off. But our differences are what stretch us and make us grow. If you write people off, you are missing your opportunity to grow.
Everything around you in the world will convince you not to have faith. Your mundane, everyday existence can bore you to death and draw you into this space where nothing means a thing and you have lost sight of your true love, but hope and faith are out there. Your goal as a human being is to reach out for them and try to hold onto them, though everything around you will try to tear them away.
That is where faith comes in. My great grandmother had some cross-stitch or something hanging in her dining room that said “Faith is the bird that sings when the dawn is still dark.” It is very easy to let the darkness around you convince you that the light is no longer there, but the light is coming, and if we remember that, then it will be easier to sing.