What we are talking about is our bodies’ need to recover following work, a balance between activity and rest. Real rest is some activity or lack thereof which replenishes energy. It does not have to be sleep but can be. It can be stamp-collecting or riding a bike. It can be playing or listening to music.
Author: Joel
The schedules and demands we put in place do not exactly fall in line with the tempo of the universe. We are given all we need for day. Sometimes I think we try to take too much from a day, or we fret because we believe the day does not contain all we need.
Because our bodies are naturally trying to stay in step with the universe’s rhythm, compulsive behaviors surface in order to try to put us back in cadence. Sometimes these compulsive behaviors work and sometimes they do not. What they are trying to tell us is that we are out of tempo and we should pay better attention to what our bodies are trying to tell us on a daily basis.
Get In Rhythm
There is a natural rhythm to life – not just the coming and going of seasons or weeks with weekends and all. There is a rhythm within a day. Stress, anxiety, depression and fatigue let us know we are out of step.
Take It In
Prayer is really something God does. You just have to show up.
When you are in your “creative space,” you are in touch with the eternal.
You can only accept what is given to you. You cannot “manufacture” anything. Besides, anything you do on your own is really nothing.
Sometimes I think when Jesus, at the Lord’s Supper, was saying “whenever you do this…” he was meaning “whenever you eat….” So that would mean a lot more often than we do, we ought to be thankful and remember he is our sustenance. Then, that whole part about eating or drinking ...