God Is System

How profound the thought that God, within himself, is relationship. He is greater than the sum of his parts. He is not Father, Son, or Holy Spirit. He is all and the interactions which occur between. He is always moving and his character is tied up in the ongoing dance. As well, we ourselves can never cease being in relationship. Just try to live apart from others. Even saying you are going to become “independent” is a relational position.

Remember, too, that what you see before you is all system. Even what appear to be objects at rest are formed by atoms and molecules spinning within themselves and forever colliding with one another. Nothing is static. Everything is involved in the dance. Those who appear different than you are there to offer you a chance for balance and growth. Being self-contained and self-sufficient is overrated (let alone impossible). What you perceive as your “self” is not real apart from the relationships which have formed you. Your “ideas” are formed from ideas which have been shared with you before. Your beliefs, values and emotions are all formed in relationship, too. Once you have accepted this, you will start to see the real reality and you will start to see yourself as you are: a system intermingled with others, never static, always moving. It is amazing.

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