Ineffable You

There is something inside you so beautiful and ferocious it cannot be fully known or expressed in words. It is your job to protect and preserve it, and to let it loose on the world when the time is right. Not everyone will honor it the way you want them to, but even if they don’t, it doesn’t lose any of its power or vitality. You will always be able to locate it and get back in touch with it in its primordial state.

The ineffable you is eternal. Not everyone remembers that all the time. (They ...  Keep reading


Peace is not made by avoiding or even just reducing the intensity of conflict, but by moving through it with eyes wide open and the knowledge and hope there is something better on the other side. We become belligerent and irresponsible in our communication when we believe there is no hope for resolution or when something we value deeply is at stake. Then we also act in contempt, believing there is nothing redeemable about the other side and that they deserve to be destroyed.

Our ...  Keep reading

Valley Maker – A Couple Days

Time is just a game I play

It’s written on the ocean’s waves

Circling beyond my brain

Something I could not contain

Something I could not contain

I know it and I cannot stray

The part of me I cannot break

The loss of you beyond the gray

I’m sticking to the chosen ways

I’m sticking to the chosen ways

I picture you inside my brain

Reminding me to say my grace

Reminding me to be amazed

I missed ...  Keep reading

The Spirit of Things

There is this Spirit we all know. You know it when you see it. And just like heaven, it always takes you by surprise. That’s because it will not be contained in any one place or by any one person or by understanding itself. It is free, and it is traveling around, in and out of spaces, and weaving itself through and around things. Then it appears, like a bird landing on a rail in front of you, out of nowhere and for no good reason except just to make itself known to you again.

You can feel its ...  Keep reading

Damien Jurado – Museum of Flight

Falling to the groundI was anxious to be foundYou can always go homeTo the safety of your cloud Don’t let goI need you to hang aroundI’m so brokeAnd foolishly in love I turned around to love revealingWhat did I learn? It’s not that easyWhen you get burned and go on burning loud Falling into soundIs that less defeating pathOne day we will go homeTo the safety of our clouds Don’t let goI need you to hang aroundI’m so brokeAnd foolishly in love I turned around, my life was changingWhat did I learn? It’s not that easyWhen you get burned and go on burning light Don’t let goI need you to hang aroundI’m so brokeAnd foolishly in love I turned around, my life was changingWhat did I learn? It’s not that easyWhen you get burned and go on burning light

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